I started on IRC in July of 1994, The first channel I was a regular in was #Teenchat. I knew most of the Ops And remember when it would empty out at night. I remember Jazmyn and Scruffy. WHERE ARE YOU, SCRUFFY?!?!! After that I found myself in #TeensChat, Nala, Q, Shorty and a few others that escape my mind at the moment. Next I stumbled in #!Tolkien!, that lasted for awhile, Arwen, McGuire, and Badge. I followed Arwen into #CentPerk, and found many friends... Too many to mention, but here are a few: ThingFish, BigBadBil, Arwen, and many others. Who was the one with the Blue Jello Balloons(tm)? Then came where I spent most of my time on IRC to date... #Arizona, When I entered upon the scene, a pair of Texans were trying to register the channel against the wishes of most of the regulars... 2 years laters... TO BE CONTINUED.....